Lit by Noddy 10th August 2023
I first met Roger in 1966. We were both courting a couple of good looking Canley girls who were good friends and lived next door to each other, Jill Baker who became his wife, and Janette Dann who became my wife. Our friendship continued following Roger over the country with his job working for Oswald Baylies from Coleshill to Southampton to Boscombe to Bournemouth to Dorset and back to Coleshill when Jill his lovely wife passed away. Roger was not only a friend, he was a true friend / mate who will be sadly missed. RIP Roger 🙏🙏
This candle was first lit on the 10th of August 2023. It was relit on the 27th of May 2024 and will burn for 99 years 8 months and 11 days.